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Location: Jefferson City, Tennessee, United States

Published by: Hard Shell Word Factory ( and Awe-Struck E-Books (

Friday, June 03, 2005

Oh, What a Gift. . .

Last weekend, we discovered that the CD writer on my computer didn't work, and probably never had since I got the machine -- oh, maybe a year ago. When you got to my age, memory gets fuzzy. My son has a CD writer on him, so it didn't matter until we wanted to copy pictures that were on my computer. Is everyone lost yet? Hm. . . I thought so.

Taking pictures with a digital camera and playing around with the results is so much fun! I've loved taking pix since I was nine years old, somewhere at the turn of the last Ice Age.

But you have to remember to save the result of your last playing around. I forgot.
But as I said once before, you know soon enough that you can go take another picture. Yes, the delphinium in question is still blooming. There was rain on it, though, in the original shot. I remember, because in getting down to delphinium level, I fell onto the seat of my sweatpants. That wasn't comfortable.

But my technique is getting better. It's never too late to learn new things.


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