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Location: Jefferson City, Tennessee, United States

Published by: Hard Shell Word Factory ( and Awe-Struck E-Books (

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Need to Blog

I have been neglecting to blog, wanting to spare readers of the ups and downs that have been my life, but I'm having more "ups" than "downs" lately, so here goes.

I'm able to do more of my usual chores around the house now -- not that I really like washing and putting away dishes, trying to reconstruct some order in my stash cupboard or making order out of the chaos that is my computer hutch. I can't wait for good weather so I can get out and garden.

One of the things that kept me going when all I could manage was to sit here and type was copying BLACK-TIE AFFAIR from the print copy to the computer. I think I've changed systems twice since I wrote the book back in 1991. I few weeks ago I discussed the project with a publisher who was looking for a book in publishable form due to having an open slot popping up unexpectedly.  I sent her the file and she made me an offer!  Maybe I have a career again -- I have more ideas up my sleeves.

And the reason the stash cupboard is a mess is that I'm working on a "Courthouse Steps" quilt with skinny little one-inch wide logs that finish to half an inch. I love it and it eats up fabric. It's good to be sewing again -- and thinking about writing, gardening -- and what I'll do now that the weather is improving.

I have to say that husband Ken and son Stephen have been my support system. I get at least one hug a day, even now that I'm doing so well. 


Blogger lucylocket said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so much better.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Marge Gordon said...

It is WONDERFUL to hear from you. Keep on getting better!

9:04 AM  

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