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Location: Jefferson City, Tennessee, United States

Published by: Hard Shell Word Factory ( and Awe-Struck E-Books (

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Discovery of the Day

Every day there seems to be something new to discover, either when we are working the in the garden or around the house. It's been as small as a bud turning green on a new bush we'd just gotten from the nursery. The most unforgettable one was the woman in our driveway who had gone into labor -- I don't know how it turned out but it's just as well.

But every day there is something to discover, some times several things. Flowers are coming out, there's an unfamiliar bird at the feeder, there is a sundog in the sky.

For a writer, it's a springboard into an idea, a little detail that might work into a story or just a little detail to slip in somewhere. I try to implant something in my memory about each discovery, something that I can call on later to lend authenticity to my writing.

But almost always it makes me see life in a new way.


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