A Done Deal
When last I blogged, I mentioned BLACK-TIE AFFAIR being picked up by Desert
Breeze Publishing. Well, contracts went back and forth, the MS was updated and proofed, and went back to sunny Florida -- where it started out in the first place.
Now son Stephen and I are working on the promo stuff.
I have one problem. Having had so much anethesia last year has wiped out a whole bunch of my memory, long term, short term, whatever. If it weren't for Stephen, I'd be in real trouble.
Some people think you should kick kids out of the nest when then become adults. That's pretty much a 20th Century thing. I'm not about to let go of a the kid who has helped me with research, chauffered me thither and yon and been a plotting board for low these many years.
So now I'm going to take a deep breath and get on with promo. After I walk around the yard a time or two. . .
Breeze Publishing. Well, contracts went back and forth, the MS was updated and proofed, and went back to sunny Florida -- where it started out in the first place.
Now son Stephen and I are working on the promo stuff.
I have one problem. Having had so much anethesia last year has wiped out a whole bunch of my memory, long term, short term, whatever. If it weren't for Stephen, I'd be in real trouble.
Some people think you should kick kids out of the nest when then become adults. That's pretty much a 20th Century thing. I'm not about to let go of a the kid who has helped me with research, chauffered me thither and yon and been a plotting board for low these many years.
So now I'm going to take a deep breath and get on with promo. After I walk around the yard a time or two. . .